Hello all. I am a 38yr old male living in the UK. I am asking for anyone to point me in the right direction and offer any advice they feel may help me. My history is this. I lost my mother with Breast Cancer about 7 years ago and since then have never really got over it. I was diagnosed with depression and have had 2 bouts of that in the 7 years since my mum passed away. I am a terrible worrier and think that any illness i get is Cancer related. I have IBS which started not long after mums passing. Since then i just seem to go from one illness to another, Costochondritis, Migraines.
I have a really great relationship with my Doctor and have been to see him so many times. For about the last 2 years i have had difficulty sleeping, or waking from my sleep still so tired. I feel lethargic and yawn constantly. Often i have no energy or willpower to do anything. Just yesterday, i lay down on the sofa about 6pm and could have slept but choose instead to reast only. I have aches and pains in my legs, i often call it "Restless Legs". This they have said is related to previous car accidents and it part of a lower back problem. I work for a long-haul airline as a cabin crew member and i'm sure this does not help my tiredness.
Does this sound like CFS or something else. How tired should you be? with CFS.
I have had full blood tests, stool samples tested and MRI/Xrays taken. All found to be clear, this at least gives me some comfort.
Sorry its a long winded post but needed to offload.
Kindest regards