noramouse said...
Hey everyone. This is my first time reaching out to anyone about feeling crappy all the time but I'm beginning to get really desperate. I'm a 32yo female, up until a few years ago I was active and athletic, I've been to every neurologist, sleep therapist, psychologist you name it, they can't get a handle on what is wrong with me. Blood tests for MS, Lupus, diabetes etc all negative, but reading what others with CFS and/or ME are experiencing, I can most definitely relate. I'm currently trying to finish vet school and just had to postpone my enrollment for 6 months because I am not capable of focusing or even getting out of bed most days. My garden is dead and my dogs are fat from lack of exercise. I feel guilty and lazy and frustrated and could really use some advice on how to handle this, right now I just want to curl up and die. The thought of feeling like this forever looms up and I panic. I'm watching my life go by and am incapable of participating.
It has been getting worse for several years now and recently I've realized I have so few "good" days that my natural state is depressed and frustrated and sore and angry at myself and the world. My next doctor's appointment is in a few weeks but I can't seem to stress to them that I cannot lay on the couch for a month at a time waiting to see if the new drug of the month is going to magically kick in and save the day. Has anyone gotten over this? How? Any advice is greatly appreciated and feel free to ask anything at all, I'm an open book. Please throw any advice my way, I really need help.
noramouse, First, I want you to know, I was right where you are. It's 6 years later now. I do see the light and the end of the, tunnel. It took me all this time to figure all this out. First, you get the blood work done for, EBV. get the results. if thats not it..get the lyme disease one. But, from my own experience and a whole lot of, rude, insensitive doctors, etc. I finally found my, angel in the form of a, PA. Physicians assistant. She listened. that was number one. She did the blood work for, mono, it was positive. No cure, its a virus. There is no cure for a virus. They have antiviral meds but they don't treat mono with it. It can make it worse. Except the fact, you are going to be laid up for awhile. You are going to be so tired you can't stand it. Look up the list of thngs you can feel. most likely you will have, MOST OF THEM. First, treat the symptoms. If you are diagnosed and there is no cure you have to do something. So, have your doctor or find a doctor that will treat the symptoms. (keep in mind if it is, mono, CFS, or Fibromyalgia you can wake up one day it could all be gone. Odds are it won't, but it could) So, have them give you something for the, exhaustion aka extreme tired and sleep doesn't help. If you're having muscle pain, back pain, leg pain, etc..have them treat the pain. So, if sleep doesn't come easy for you, or doesn't come at all, ask for sleep meds. My doctor gives me, amphetamines for no energy, and pain meds for pain...we have them all three fine tuned. So, I could get about
the business of trying to get well. Its not going to come easy. But, at least with the meds you have half a chance. 1st thing I did was start going to a, Chiropractor. Thats an awesome help for my back and legs. Then, no, wheat, no sugar, no dairy, nothing that could cause anymore inflamation than you already have. I take raw supplements. meaning they are real, they aren't synthetic get them at a health food store. and take it from there. stay with organic..walk if you can...get at least 20 minutes of sunlight on your body, without sunglasses, everyday if you can. Take good, B12, D3, magnesium. raw. And drink a ton of filtered chemicals in your water. lots of water, push all that stuff through you. Its not easy, its not quick. But, I couldn't do any of it till I got all the symptoms under control. and pray.