Hey Shaper,
I'm going though the same thing right now with my family. It's tough when you got people telling you to snap out of it (I wish heheh), and coming up with their own reasons why you would be tired. I think one of the best things to do, is to find something you really enjoy doing, and if that thing happens to include other people then that's awesome. I had a really hard time in high school, but it wasn't until grade 12 when I guess I gave up for a while. I had always liked video games, and music, and at the time I was playing a game called Vagrant Story. While searching the internet for some cheats, I found out that all the rooms in one of the dungeons were named after Iron Maiden |m|/ \|m| songs. So I borrowed my sister's boyfriend's discman and one of his Maiden cds, and got myself back to school. It was kind of late for that semester, but the next year I picked up a guitar class. Been playing ever since. Of course, I'm not as young as I used to be so it doesn't take long before my arms start hurting (I'd better stick with Neil Young heheh). I try to be as understanding as possible, so I'll accept that not everyone is so fond of music (especially of the heavy metal/rock variety). But it's like FallenAngel said, sometimes we have to ignore the impulses that confine us, and go to a friend's house for a while or try something new (excluding anything dangerous :P). And there's always things to do on the internet. If you like reading and you're pretty imaginative, I highly recommend joining a role-playing forum of your choice. It's a great way to meet people who like writing. I think it's good to take pride in the little things.
I think I devote most of my energy to pretending to be normal. So that coupled with my extentsive sense of humour kind of throws people off when I tell them there's something wrong with me. Then they come to their own conclusions. I personally don't like to complain, but I don't like to lie either. So, when someone asks me how I feel... I tell them, hahah. I also have this thing against people who say "good morning". Uh, no it isn't... lol. Just kidding, any morning that I wake up is a pretty good morning for me. Also, the Spoon Theory is pretty amazing, thanks for the website hippimom :)
Just remember that you're never alone.
Yeah, I think that's enough for now... But if anyone wants some of my early recordings, just ask (though you'll have to put up with my terrible singing voice lol).