Hi everyone, I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue early 2004 which resulted from Glandular Fever (mono), Since I have not been the same, I went through 8 months of pain and had a whole bunch of weird symptoms ( I pretty much didnt leave the house for this whole time) I eventually got my act together and the symptoms slightly subsided with a small dose of venlafaxine. I weened myseld off this as I really did not want to have to take any sort of druge, which may do more harm than good..
I was then referred to a Chinese Herbalist, which was defenatley something that helped me greatly. I drank these (very horrible tasting) herbs for about 7 weeks. Of late I havent been feeling the best and have decided to get back on the herbs, and I must say they have been the best thing for me...
If you are thinking of going on these herbs, make sure you find one of the better herbalists in your area (Im in Western Australia - So im not sure if telling you the best here will be of benefit as I think most on here are from The States).
Its worth a try!!!!
Anthing is to make you feel better - even if its a slight difference...it will help!!
Good luck :)