hello, firstly, i'm sorry if this is in the wrong section, i'm pretty new at all this forum stuff, so i just kind of clicked and hoped for the best, but i would really REALLY appreciate some help. My doctor has just suggested CFS, but i am strongly doubting his diagnosis.
I am 19, male, Around a year ago i started getting mild nausea and VERY excessive sweating, which was strange coz although tall i have always been very thin so never really had a problem with sweating. I started loosing weight and getting a lot of depression but didn't see a GP at this stage because i knew that because it was exam time, even if i went in with my leg hanging off he would just say "oh it's stress related" coz as i'm sure we all know, doctors are fun like that.
So exams were over and i did better then expected but couldn't enjoy the success because the nausea and depression were getting worse and worse, but even still i thought "chin up" and just tried to get on with things. Eventually at the end of the summer i got a mild antibiotic for acne, but after 1 days dose i had a really bad reaction and couldn't eat for 2 days. Since then i have had constant nausea, so heavy that it's actually quite disabling, i had to pull out of college and can rarely leave the house without having to take a bag around with me incase things get too bad. It really has put my life on hold completely.
I had a camera put down, ultra sound, blood tested for diabetes, thyroid disorders, wheat itolerance and (i think) anemia, but the only thing that came back positive was the camera, saying i had slight inflamation of the stomach lining which really shouldn't be causing all this trouble.
So then the doctor pulled out what seems to be their FAVOURIT diagnosis, "anxiety", to which i had to argue and argue through maybe 3 months consultation for them to belive i wasn't in any stress other then the illness itself.
My main problem is the nausea, but other symptoms include pain in the left arm, ocasional achey shoulders, weight loss, spotty neck, depression, irretability, and mild fatigue - and today my doctor said "looks like fatigue syndrome, not a lot we can do about that" but i'm not really suffering from the fatigue, it really is very mild, just the nausea is getting me down, so surely i don't have CFS? it just feels like they have given up on me a bit.
what i'm wondering is, if anyone out there thinks that there is a chance i have CFS? I really don't see how i could have to be honest, any advice?