I have a question about
EBV testing. I had mono about
2 yrs ago. It was a really bad case. It wiped out my immune system so that it took 5 months before my IS started to respond.
I have been tested since and it was 'dormant' I was told. It showed up as low.
Recently after my DD's wedding, I started with the all to familiar feeling and started sleeping 24/7 almost. I had no energy and hurt all over. It also caused a horrible fibro flare.
I was going to have repair urinary surgery on this coming Friday, but thought I should ask my dr. about it.
TOday the nurse told me that my EBV test was HIGH, but the dr. thought that it would be okay to go ahead with the surgery.
My hubby was uncomfortable with me still being weak and facing surgery so I put it off until the middle of Sept.
My question is (sorry this was so long getting to the point) does a HIGH just mean it is HIGH and not active or that it is active again?
I know that I have felt almost like I did year before last, but seem to be bouncing back if I stay out of the heat.
Thanks in advance for your help!