Hey everyone. I have a question for those of you who suffer with this symptom of the disease. Way back when I had my first big "crash" from CFS, it all started with a sore throat - then what I thought was a cold/flu and lasted for months. Now, since I understand what I have - last night I started to feel my throat begin to be sore - then it kept me up all night - scratchy, burning and LOTS of pain. I had my tonsils out when I was 18 due to chronic tonsillitis but have had strep since then.
I have a big evaluation coming up Friday that I can't miss and my question is - when I looked this morning my throat was really red and a bit swollen with some bright red areas that almost looked slightly bloody but not sure. I called the doctor but haven't heard back. My armpit glands are constantly swollen and painful but my neck ones are a bit now too. Is this just the common sore throat/pain that's associated with this disease that you all experience? It's so painful even my pain meds aren't touching it (tramadol and Norco). I'm doing lots of water and Halls but man I'm hoping this goes away - I'm also hoping it doesn't turn into a huge crash again ( I couldn't even get out of bed for at least a week and a half that time).
Just wondering if this sounds familiar to anyone? Thanks in advance