Hi Demaria, you are very welcome here, asking questions is how we help each other and sometimes our doctors find answers. You said year 12 of school, in the UK(?) does that mean you're in college or still in regular school? I am just trying to figure out your age because if you're only 17 or even 19 you're still in puberty, physically, mentally(they have figured out recently that our brain's don't stop growing until our bodies do, DUH)or emotionally and while the symptoms do fit CFS they also fit the extreme parts of puberty. I hope you've seen more than one doctor and had a whole bunch of tests to get to your diagnosis, I know your medical system is totally different than ours, but a family doctor or a pediatrician isn't qualified to treat CFS and it didn't sound to like you were getting any treatment and yes you probably already got the "there is no treatment for CFS" speech but a specialist can treat the symptoms if they admit it exists. I'm not saying you don't have CFS the age and puberty are normal issues that should be factored into your treatment plan and I would ask to see a neurologist for a second opinion and treatment. I hope this was helpful and not confusing, Keep in Touch, you're not the only young person to get this illness and you will find a lot of support here even from older ladies like me