Anyone else here iron deficient?
I am, and cannot use any kinda contraceptive to controll loss of iron. Iron tablets and needles don't work. Not sure what on earth to do.
I am 25 years old. Have been anxious and very tired for 15 years+
No Dr has ever believed me-always said "It's just your iron deficiency!"
Yet other Drs are saying I should not be this tired for just iron deficiency.
I have just enrolled in a program by a Dietician. I am hoping he/she will be able to address my needs for my allergies, Asthma and Iron.
Some days I can barely get around I feel like a zombie but other days aren't so bad. I've never been COMPLETELY bed-ridden, but I get muscle and joint aches like you would believe because you prolly have it.
Still though, it is only NOW after years and years of being basically told to "get over it" from everyone that a Psychologist I saw said I need at least 6 months break off work or study so that I can address my health issues. But still I feel like my fatigue is not being taken seriously and I have been to like 5 Drs or more.
I am in Australia and just feel so alone. The CFS support group in my state folded and I don't know if what I have is actual fatigue or if I am truly lazy. I don't think I am lazy as I am trying so darn hard to get better but..then I am not as bad as some CFS sufferers so not sure how to be diagnosed. I have a list of good CFS Drs now and am going to contact one to make an appointment, but I am just really worried that that iron level is contributing to some of it aswell.