hm, who to see for lyme....depends on your location. I saw 5 doctors, family practice and an internist - all told me I was nuts.........(not in those exact words....but that was the basic message) finally I got myself to an alternative doctor, I said " know Ive got Lyme, even though the tests are negative, he agreed and started treatment that day. Eventually we did get a postive test..from a new lab. The thing is, I now have a real bad case of a disease that if treated back when I originally started going to non-lyme-aware doctors- would have been a quick fix- but because these 5 doctors had no clue about the reality of lyme, I am now in a mess, with a long recovery ahead of me..............
Anyway, I get mad and start typing. hop over to the lyme forum and get doctor info. there are several I know of in Mass. Ct.NY........
***When I finally got that alternative doc to help me, I was sitting with the nurse going over the antibiotic regimen I was going to start....I said "wow- lot of people must have this thing , and are told it is something else" she rolled her eyes and said ..."yes- probably tens of thousands..."
web searches ; Lyme busters,, Dr.Joseph Burrascano, Dr. Sam Donta, Lymenet