Hi there,
I usually post on the lyme board, but I was wondering.... has anyone else with CFS and Fibro been diagnosed with lyme disease and co-infections, such as babesiosis and bartonella??
My dr seems to think that is the cause of how ill I have been, but no research I seem to find on CFS seems to talk about these infections.
I also have high epstein barr titers, yeast, mycoplasma, etc??
Anyway.... I was wondering if the tick born infections is the whole answer for me. My dr seems to think that the tick born infections depleted my immune system and allowed these other opportunistic infections to take over as well. The research I find w/ CFS (unless I am wrong) seems to state that their is a deficit in the immune system and stress response system that allows the infections to take over when they wouldn't affect a healthy person.
I was just wondering because I am still not sure the tic born infections (although very serious) is the entire picture.
Any thoughts would be great!