Some of you here know my situation in my past posts. This is what i have to put up with every month!
# 1 The 2 years I have been going here I started out seeing my regualr doctor every time. He lost his license and Now I have seen 6 different doctors.
- Why should I have to see a different doctor everytime I go to the doctors office? I have to re-tell my whole story everytime and re-do a phsyscial for each one which is very painful for me
# 2 This clinc has 4 doctors working there that can-not right out narcotic medication. Yet there pain doctors? Theres only 2 doctors that can write out the scripts.
- This is the pain cause sometimes they make us wait 6 hours till the doctor that can write the script to come in or tell us to come back the next day to pic up are perscription
# 3 Ill make my appointment at 10am in the morning, I wont finally leave that office untill 3pm. I usuallly have to spend on average between 3-6 hours waiting at that office.
# 4 I remember one time loud and clear when my real doctor dr. WWWWW lost his license and I had my appointment on saturaday at 11am. This office called me at 10am and told me that I could no longer go to this clinic and there shutting down. No patients scheduled that day or the rest of the month could see a doctor.
- I was given a 1 hour notice to find a new doctor and was completly out of meds because I go to the doc every 30 days on the dot! Boy did I panic here and called every doctor in the phone book. BAD BAD BAD! After I finally found a new doctor to take me in 3 days I got a call back from my original clinc saying OH you can come in now we got lucky and found a doctor to cover us. So obviously this clinic does not have a backup doctor/plan just incase something happens
# 5 I see patients at this clinic complaining about how messed up there back is and there sitting in a chair waiting with there legs crossed and twisting ans turnign every which way. There name gets called and they fly/jump right out of there seat as if there 3 years old. ????? Um your back is messed up?????
# 6 Since they reduced everyone in the clinics who was on methadone down to 60mgs a day they put a sign up saying that if your medication isnt working and you need to see a doctor again you will have to pay the full fee to see the doctor no matter how many times you have to see the doctor this month. ***BRAND NEW SIGN**** since they been dropping everyone meds
# 7 Since they been dropping everyones meds and been having patients flipping out and having to come in twice or three times amonth because of these drastic drops in meds they also raised the price to $150. When I first went to this doctor I was paying $75. Then it went too $100, and then $125 and now $150!
# 8 They only accept cash and wont accept ANY kind of insurance
These are all the things I can think of at the moment and there are problly more. I WOULD LOVE TO HERE WHAT OTHERS THINK about THIS CLINIC.