I had a Medtronic Intrathecal Pain Pump implanted June of 05. Its the best thing that could have happened to me. I do not tolerate oral medication well at all, thats all drugs, not just pain meds. It went something like this for me, the ones that helped I had to take to many to get the pain level down, then if we found something else either I would have a full blown reaction or the side effects would get me. I tried morphine, oxycotin, oxycodone, fentanyl patches and it was just useless. Thats just naming a few I was tried on. Another problem was I had so much pain in so many different parts of my body, that my dr said no way meds could touch all that pain.
My dear dr totally forget I don't tolerate morphine, so what does he put in my pump, morphine. So, out came that. I am on a what I call a drug cocktail in my pump. I am on Dilaudid 15 mg/ml concentration level, Clonidine 150mcg/ml, Sufentanil 15mcg/ml and Bupivcaine 15mg/ml. The drugs are infused 24/7 and my doseage in 24 hrs is 3.645mg. Oh, I still have some pain, but its very tolerable and when it kicks up its with my back, I am able to get it right again with my muscle relaxers. I tend to overdo alot and get in trouble with my back. I have found my muscle relaxers are far effective with the pain than my 2mg Dilaudin pills I have for BT pain. By the way, Dilaudid is a very old pain drug and has less side effects than most pain relievers.
I am on way less medication than what I took a day orally. And I mean way less medication, my pain told me I would be and at the time I really was not sure. He made a believer out of me. One of my big problems is I have a very high pain tolerance and it always got me in trouble. I hated taking pills and by the time I would give in and take one alot of times it was too late to give me relief.
I do not walk around in a fog or goofy or out of my mind. What I love is no clock watching, no high and no lows its an even keel. I drive a car just fine. I play with my 2 1/2 yr old grand son and its great that I can do that, w/o the pump I would not being alot with him.. You don't sit around and nod off everytime you turn around.
You do a trial on the pump. You will know during the trial if the pump will work for you or not. You have to go thru the physch testing for the pump, Remember in the very beginning they start everyone out in a lose and increase it as needed till the pain is under better control. For me its been a life saver. Susie