Well, I lucked out today. My PM who is moving to Puerto Rico was still at the PM office. I got to see him one more time before he leaves tomorrow.
We discussed the Opana and my disappointment in it, so we are going to decrease the Opana and switch, slowly this time over to Methadone.
Last time we tried to switch, we went too high, too fast on the Methadone, which made me really dopey.
Anyway, tonight , is the first cut for the Opana from 40 mg, to 20 mg, and 10 mg of Methadone with the 20 mg, so hopefully, the switch won't be too awfully bad.
I hope that the switch works this time, and that the Methadone works reasonably well....we'll see.
I'm sure that Opana is a good pain medication in some, it just doesn't seem to work quite so well for me.