i have been following this thread, too, with mixed emotions. anyone want to see an old man cry? when we lived in London, every friday night my wife and i would walk through hyde park and on into leicestger (pronounced "lester") square. we would grab a meal and wakl for more miles, enjoying hearing every language spoken on the earth. now i can't walk more than a hundred yards on a good day.
when we lived in outer Londoin, i built one of the largest "victory" gardens in the village where we live. i had veggies almost all year long. now i have trouble weeking two small flower beds.
when living in Germany, my wife and I would set off to Trier, Cologn, or - wherever. even went to auschwitz (don't ask - my wife said that i didn't talk for a week after). now i can hardly trust myself to drive and have problems sitting too long as a passenger.
in 1964 i went to la and fou9nd tin can beach (i understand it's defunct now). sex and dope and surfing. i was a very young man then. last year my son-in-law had to help me get out of the water on the alabama coast. i just could not pull myself up with the waves.
sorry to be so bleak. but i DO enjoy reading. Robbin Cook is one of my favorites, too. so is dean kuyntz and patricia cornwell. also enjoy ludlum.
my wife can't stand it, but i love the political process, too and enjoy argueing (in it's original, Greek, sence) politics. my wife calims that i am a strong liberal, but actually i consider myself and indipendent. sometimes i believe that "conservitive" answers will work and other times i believe that "liberal" answers will work. one day the people in this country will come to their sences and elect me king. then we'll really get things moving.
again, my wife doesn't approve, but i love argueing (same definition) religion. i'm jewish and for this sin was forced to read and translate the torah (first 5 bks of the Bible) from hebrew into english. it too me 4 or 5 years, if i remember correctly, with a rabbi at my shoulder saying "no, no, warren." i love the language of kj but it's not that accurate a translation. as you can see, i'm primed and ready. lol
i have also been very heavily involved with the masons for about 10 years. did a lot with the shriners to help crippled and burned children in mexico and texas. a lot of good teaching in masonry, if any mason wants to examine the extensive litterature.
and, of course, i love my wife, daughter, son-in-law, granddaught ers, and great grands. can't help it - the youngest great grandson is four yrs old, a handfull, asks questions ALL the time, and has a mouth on him..... he's wonderful.
didn't mean to submit such a long missive. a appologize for the first part of this - but i believe it shows that we are all complex personalities, a fusion of our pasts, presents, and futures.