This is my first year in this kind of excruiating pain,..
so Im "singing LOUDLY"
daily....Im wondering as you just stated if they truly : expect folks to suck it up...
verbally they have validated my pain, then tried some pain meds, which knock me for a loop, so then its nothing, try tylenol.. its like....... traditional medecine doesnt HOLD the Keys or answers...
SEVERE PAIN = the pain makes me scream, cry , sob, shake ie) while walking in the mall pubilcally embaressing my kids,... I yelp loudly when it hits sudden siatic lighting bolts..
While walking the llas of the nursing home were I work, I ahve to stop grad the rails... and breathe.... jsut to keep walking.. I am barely functioning..
if Its an aching back apin.. there is tolerable.. can deal with it pain &...or i am going to loose it P A I N . I know that I know taht you know what I mean,,,,
and I know what you mean... totally..
I am seeing a PM for the first time in the last 2 months, he just did a nerve block..we shall see what happens in coming weeks...I honestly feel there are not enough doctors,
too few who really UNDERSTAND , and have compassion. to motivate them to help people in Pain
- In the last few days I was thining I should have gone into medicine...
I have seen a Reflexologyst/ Homopathic Nutricianist, who also understand whats needed at the cellular level,.. for the body to heal.. structurally, metabolically,.. even am receiving help with diet...
ps: "The knee bone is connected to the leg bone"... rememeber that song in coming days // we are a WHOLE PERSON.... mind body soul // Im learning to think the BIG picture and right to the tiniest molecule...
we are truly & amazingly & wonderfully made...