i don't know if my experience in a similar situation would help or hurt you and your situation. in terms of background, i had fallen down a flight of stairs and was having tremendous pain. I was working as a Director in the astrospace industry. my pcp for the pain was an excellent chiropractor who referred my to several DOs and neurologists for adjunct treatment and a "holistic" approach to my pain.
i had been referred to a particular neurologist who was VERY egotistical. he couldn't understand why i wasn't getting better despite his most excellent neurological skills. he finally sent me to a psychologist who was fresh out of school.
i asked the psych for a copy of the report he had written on me before he sent it to my insurance company. based on what the psychologist said in this report, the psychologist really did a number on me with the collusion of the neurologist. the psych said that i had somatomaformic (?) disorder, which is a brother to "malingering." such a diagnosis would have ended my disability insurance (such as it is) as well as my medical insurance. In addition, it would most certainly, if made known, have ended my career. what's even worse, as a one-time writing instructor, the report was illiterate!
i was ever so nice when i made an appointment with the psych to discuss his epistle. we met at his office. I smiled sweetly, sat with my knees apart and my hands on my knees (body language for being totally open and honest). i opened the conversation with a plutonium bomb. "dr. x," i said, "you don't have enough insurance or enough resources to defend your findings on this report. it is entirely wrong in each of it's specifics and the conclusion doesn't follow from the premises. are you going to deep six this piece of character assassination before sending it to my insurance company or do i have to begin legal proceedings?"
his mouth opened. foam and spittle emanated from the opening. his face turned red and he began to sweat profusely. somehow, from these clues, i thought that i had him on the ropes.
"what should i say?" he asked.
"if you didn't have the false information from dr. y (the neurologist) what would be your impression?"
he then sat back, took a deep breath and began offering very favorable phych impressions for my chronic back pain.
like i said, this worked for me. of course my wife tells me that i can be intimidating enough to stop an elephant charge with just a look.
you might want to try some aspect of this approach. just a suggestion. as i said, it worked for me.