Thank you so much for your posts. Straydog; I had to get out of the house, its driving me nuts and I thank you for posting back to me. Sometimes I just want to scream because of all this pain and feeling so bad about
myself. I know what you mean about
wanna do more then just survive. I was once a healthy woman that was able to go hunting and fishing and hiking and camping, but now I spend most of my time at home in the hot tub or in the bath because its the only thing that helps. I have a Coleman hot tub, its in a room just off the house and I do spend plenty of time in there but with the weather being so hot and I have been plagued throughout my life since I was a kid, of what I call not sweating properly. Its kinda weird because I don't sweat so I can get sunstroke easily and do not sweat under my armpits alike to most folks. My face will get beat red and hubby knows to get me cooled off as soon as possible cause I can go into heatstroke if I don't hydrate. So when it is very hot outside I avoid the sun at all costs.
Floss; I too have applied for disability and was denied twice. Went with my hearing before the judge advocate last month and am still waiting to hear back from that. Its not too bad to go through, just answer his or her questions as honestly as you can and be genuine. You are allowed to walk around during the hearing and that helped with the pain as I cannot sit for long periods of time. I know how you feel as far as wanting to help with the finances, we are not exactly living the life of the rich here either. Hubby works ungodly hours usually leaving at 7:00am and not getting home until 7 or 8:00pm and I feel so bad that I cannot work to help him out. It usually takes around a year to get your hearing so you have some time. I too don't feel up to housework and hubby tries to keep up on the dishes, vacuuming, and laundry as much as he can, but most of the time he is so tired after a long day at work that he doesn't feel up to doing any of it either. If I do the dishes it takes me 4 hours to do a sink full of dishes as I have to do them in small increments and take breaks often.
I am so sorry that the two of you are going through the pain and if you ever need to vent I am here for you both