Hi Cloe, Remicade is one of the newer drugs used for Crohns Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, R/A and some other auto-immune diseases. The drug is so potent that it can only be given by IV. I have a port in my chest because my veins got blown early into treatment. In crohns our TNF's attack our bodies and destroy tissue. The Remicade blocks this from happening, will it cure crohns, no, there is no cure. I am unable to take steroids which is still used even tho its a very bad drug long term. My GI put me on Remicade and Imuran as first line treatment. Its a dangerous drug to say the least, it had terrrible side effects. A few people died from it when it was first approved. My biggest concern is getting cancer, it can cause lymphoma (?) several cases have been reported. It compromises your immune system which means more the potential for serious infections, you don't heal as fast as a normal person, really its a bad drug in many ways. But, it can also be an excellent drug as well, many steroid dependant people have been able to get off the steroids and manage their disease with Remicade and Imuran. For some like me it has helped. I am on it a second time for a fistula that came out thru my stomach. Previously I was on it 3 1/2 yrs.
I had an emergency resection done out of the country. They basicaly patched me up enough to get me on a plane back home to the states. After surgery things went down hill reapdily, by the time I found my current gi I was very ill to say the least. I have many health issues and many issues with drugs that I cannot take. My dr has never given up on me or ever been afraid of treating me. He see's me once a month and has done this since Oct 30, 2002. I had othe gi's that looked me in the face and said I cannot help you end of story.
I looked at it this way. Its a crap shoot either way I went. so why not try it and see if it helps. Its currently the best treatment for closing and healing fistulas.
Hugs to all, Susie