Todays' question might be a hard one. If it makes you too sad or uncomfortable to answer, then take a pass for today.
What makes you cry?
For me it's thinking of my son who's gone. It's been over 8 years and all I have to do it think of him or find a small reminder and I can burst into tears and/or sob for hours on end. I know it's silly after all of these years but it's how I'm wired.
Also, any time I am discussing something intense or emotional my eyes leak. It's very embarassing and frustrating at time. I remember when I was very young that mom accused me of crying just to get my own way. I was fighting so hard NOT to cry but she never did believe me.
I also cry when I see something wonderfully sweet. I was talking about
how attached my hubby is to our grandson Thomas and my eyes welled up with tears. I had to excuse myself to the ladies room so not to make a fool of myself.
Happy or sad, I seem to leak easily...