hello all I know I havent been on much of late just really been going through a really tuff time this last while.
As of today, I have been told that my condition is getting worse, not only is my pelvis at of alinement but now my back and into my cranal area as well. I developing tmj from the nerves from my bulding dics in my neck is pressing on the nerve that connets to my jaw. I also have nevers or mussles or something(cant keep up anymore) pressing on my pituitary gald which is causing me not to get my period ( at least one good thing out of all this ) My si joints are dislocated and are rubbing on my pelvis ( which is the most painful thing of all this.
I am also recovering from a sever kideny infection which my doc says he thinks is from my injuries. I have pink eye as well ! Doc says he thinks my immune system is low from stress and lack of sleep HMMMM (you think) I now have residule pain as well from not being able to sit or stand the correct way which has all the mussles from my pelvis up all twisted and all outa wack.
Upon all this just in the last 3 weeks, I have made a decission to send my kids to live with their dads, I just can not go on like this anymore. It took alot to make this decission but my conclusion is that i can spend the time now and try and get all this under some kinda management or hopeful better or I will be like this all my life. So I sacrifice the short term for hope of regaining my life later on.
I am upset beyond belife, but as hard as it is to say, I am a bit relieved as well. I just cant deal with all of it right now, just trying to work part time and kids and home and all that comes with it, is just more than I can possible bare right now. Plus if I colasp or get any worse then, he will have to take them anyways and it will be worse that way for everyone!
Im not sure sure why but I feel ok with all this, I know it sounds odd to some maybe but right now all I can think about is relieving some stress befor I crack and fall apart. I have realized that sometimes in life you have to put you first and do what you have to to make sure you are ok, because if you are not ok then no one else around you is ok.
I still have tons of hope that I can get it all under some kind of managment or cured all together, I will never give up that hope cause if I do then I might as well just roll over and die. I have a wonderful therapist. And I really hope that I will see results with her. I have only been seeing her for 2 weeks now but she at least comes up with answers that the docs arent able to give me. Plus she gives me hope as well.
I know there are several people on here that dont have an answer to what is going on with there backs and I would encourage all that fall into that cat, to see about seeing a craniosacral therapist. Alot of peoples problems have to deal with the spine, pelvis, cranal area being outa of alingment and is treatable for many people and its something that most of the docs which ever one ther are seeing miss why im not sure. But I have done alot of looking into it and talked with many that have been to see a craniosacral therapist and so many have gotten so much reliefe if not cured from there treatment. Just a thought for those of you with doc scratching there heads and throwing up their arms saying they dont know whats going on.
Hope everyone is well and Thank you all for all your help and support