Will try this one more time, last time I was nearly done and hit a wrong button and wiped my entire post out. lol. Perhaps my son-in-law is right, maybe I should return back to a typewriter. lol
The Scan of my abdomen per my PCP shows the common bile duct is completely dialated to the top of the pancreatic head. She had little to offer for an explanation and advised me to get the films delivered to my gi dr and let him decide if anything needs to be done. So this is in the works. I now have a diffuse fatty liver, so I must work diligently in remembering my Omega 3's, my pulmonary dr says it will help with this. Have had the fatty liver a few years now, but they never threw the word diffuse in.lol.
The cyst on the right kidney has gone from 1cm to 3 cm and we will keep watching it. These are common and in some instances need draining when they get up to 5-6cm's. Personally, that does not sound like much fun to me.
They think there may be two cysts/lesions on my right ovary so she is scheduling a sonogram to make sure its just cysts.
I saw my rheumy Thursday and its confirmed the Lupus is induced by the Remicade infusions, yea, that means we can get rid of it. I am now taking Plaquenil for this and he said I should see some improvement with the joint pain a little later. The sacroliliac joint xrays showed quite a bit of arthritis but we were not surprised by this. I have been on Imuran for 6 yrs because of the crohns and it does help w/arthritis pain, he increased my Imuran and it should help even more. I am very satisfied with what he is telling me about some of this joint pain maybe toning down. I really do not want an increase in my pump at this time, as it was just in Oct that the dr increased it. I would much rather save these increases for later on down the road. I am more interested now to see how the Plaquenil & the increase in the Imuran will affect the pain. See my new pain dr on the 23rd I think, will be intersting to meet this new lady. Hope everyone is nice & warm all snuggled in...... Susie