Well, my dad is in a different rehab facility now. His trach is completely out and he's not even on O2 anymore or anything IV!!! He's got his regular clothes on instead of a hospital gown. He can talk but he does get confused at times. I'm wondering if the O2 deprivation he had lost before has caused some of this confusion, or maybe it's all the medications he's on. He's taking Haldol, which I've heard, is a pretty potent medication! He's also EXTREMELY depressed. That's understandable though. He's been through a lot. He cried about a week ago and stated, "I can't even walk. I'm just so sick" I said, "Dad, you've been in bed for so long. Your muscles have weakened, but pretty soon you will be able to. It will just take some time." I then explained to him from the beginning (me calling the ambulance on up until he was in CCU with a vent, on up until he was at a long term care acute hospital, and on up to the rehab facility he's in now. He started crying harder...so I don't think this helped at all. I was trying to get at the fact that he has come a long way and should be greatful he's where he's at now. He didn't even remember me coming to check on him and calling the ambulance. I told him he cussed me out and he was like, "I did? I don't remember that." This is a little crazy and funny at the same time. I don't know if I should be sharing this but maybe it'll give someone a laugh. He said the last thing he remembers before he was in the hospital was that my brother (who is 34 and married to a woman) was at a Cleveland airport with him confessing his love to a 4ft man. He then said, "I know it was a dream but it seemed so real." My brother really got a kick out of that. My dad did walk with assistance today at the rehab facility for a short distance...and used a wheelchair as well... so he's getting there.
The thing is, is he was a very depressed person before he even got so sick. Working (even though he hated it) seemed to lighten his spirits a little. When he was off work, he seemed to get very bored, depressed, and slept a lot (and abused Hydrocodones). I made him promise me he wasn't going to abuse Hydrocodones anymore, and he did promise but he's also confused at times...so I don't know. He told me after he promised me that I had to make a promise to him...that I wouldn't buy Hydrocodones from him (I never did this...so this told me he was extremely confused). He's very aggitated and taking his frustration out on my mother who goes to visit him frequently. My mothers like, "I can't handle him being mean to me all the time." I just keep reminding her that he is (like me) a selfish person at home and was used to controlling situations, but now he is being controlled and this is hard on him. Also, even though he doesn't look it, he's still very sick.
They haven't discussed a discharge date yet, and I hope it's not anytime soon. He needs to be able to walk before he can get out of there. It's strange because within 2 days of him coming from CCU to a long-term care facility he was better...they were decreasing his sedation, decreasing his ventilator settings, etc immediately. My mother and I attended some sort of meeting at this long-term care facility and they actually said he was their star patient...that he was progressing better than any other patient there. I believe these prayers on this board, as well as other church organizations, have helped! I honestly didn't think he would make it! He's pulling through though. He's not even hooked up to any IV's or anything. He's taking all his medications by mouth and is even on a regular diet (with limited salt intake of course).
I just wanted repeat myself and say again...thank you all for the wonderful advice, support, and prayers. They have really helped.
Also, to the poster that suggested that I go see a therapist...thank you so much!!! This counselor, or actually nurse practioner with a masters in psycology, has really helped me tremendously. I have developed a trusting relationship with her and plan on going to see her on a regular basis. Not just about my dad, but other issues in my life as well. It has been a great experience just to sit down and talk with someone that seems to understand everything. It has taken a huge burden off my shoulders and I feel like I'm finally getting my life back on track...FINALLY. Have you not suggested this, I probably wouldn't have even thought of it to be honest...so thank you.
I will tell my dad that you are all pulling for him and wanting him to get better! <<<Hugs>>>