I think it is so fantastic that you are quitting! PA had some good advice for you about getting patches or something to help you with the nicotine cravings. Don't worry about getting all hostile & such. I think that's okay to be like that for a little while. I've never smoked, but I remember when I had to give up caffeine. Oh man, I nearly went crazy. I was drinking 16 cups of coffee a day (I love the taste & smell of coffee -- there's nothing better) and had to quit cold turkey for medical reasons. I was shaking, had horrible migraines, couldn't sleep, was nauseaous & irritable pretty much 24/7 for the first 8-12 weeks. I was almost convinced I couldn't even survive it, but I made it. I know nicotine is a lot harder to quit, but I BELIEVE IN YOU! I really do!! Keep up the great work & keep the end goal in sight -- whatever it takes to get there.
well wishes -----> Scarred :)