Funny, you are talking about
Cymbalta. I've had a few doctors tell me to try it and I was afraid and on ultram. I got off the ultram and am still afraid but was willing to give it a shot.
I have read half and half about it--that is the good side effects and bad.
I am on ms contin and many days, that doesn't touch the leg pain and I can't take lyrica,abd still believe the pain is fron the stenosis. My doctor hates to give out addictive drugs. Meanwhile, ultram is more addictive than many and the doctors don't even know it. If I didn't say anything, he would have me on on ultram forever.
Right now, my pain level is super high. keeping busy helps and I know I was doing better not long ago. CP is the worst but I am still waiting on a miracle.
Good luck to you.
Blessings to all.