fatherjohn, im really glad u posted this!
I have been to my fair share of bad doctors over the yrs. When i was about 18, i started getting really sick, chronic sinus infections, chest infections, ear infections, and alot of other issues! I had a few docs tell me that it was in my head, that i was making myself sick! WTH???
As i started looking for a gyn i had heard really good things about a specific doc in my area. I called my aunt who had worked for 20some yrs at the hospital, and she said he was the guy to see. I have been with him ever since. He is the only doc who will take me at MY word. I can go in and tell him im in pain, and i KNOW it's a ovarian cyst, and he would do an ultrasound and there it would be...he would NEVER make me wait for anything. His bedside manner is second to NONE. After 3 long yrs of trying to concieve, when i asked for his help, he asked me to see a hematologist. I went to the doc my gyn recommended.
Hematologist was a GREAT doc. Listens to every word, digs deeper than any doc i have ever seen. He is a hema/oncologist. I told him one day that i felt bad seeing him when he treats soooooo many sick people. His response was that he was intreged by me and that it was nice to have someone who was different that he could dig deep into. He ran sooooo much bloodwork, and found that i had clotting disorders, contributiong to my infertility/miscarrages, AND that i had an IMMUNE DEFICIENCY! My questions had been answered, all of my sinus, chest and other infections were a direct result of this immune def!
My gyn has seen me through TWO high risk pregnancies, two premature deliveries, many surgeries and most recent my hysterectomy at age 36! Anyone that he recommends is usually a doctor that he went to school with and i have LOVED all but one that he has recommended, and i had no problem going back to him and telling him to NEVER recommend that guy again! LOL
For me, recommendation by my first trusted doc is the way i have gone and have been lucky to have a group of doctors (ob/gyn, hematologist, rhumatologist, GI & PM) for the last 19yrs! I wish everyone has a group of doctors like i did! All i can say, is that if u don't like ur doc try, try again!