Good greif, you have been thru the ringer! What is strange to me is that the pain you are describing is constant, not cramp-like as it is with IBS. Have any of your doctors suspected gallbladder problems? The pain with gallbladder disease is described as this:
chest pain in the right side (caused by stones in the bile duct or inflammation or swelling of the gallbladder itself). Nausea or queasiness, vomiting and gas are frequent. There may or may not be belching or burping. The gall bladder, which sits just below the rib cage to the right of the stomach, is very tender to touch. It can be so painful that it takes your breath away.
You may not be able to walk without bending over. Sometimes the pain radiates through to the back
shoulder blade on the right side or in the middle between the shoulder blades. This is pain from the gallbladder being referred to the back of the shoulder. This back shoulder blade chest pain is one of the most common yet unknown symptoms of a gallbladder disorder. This can come and go or be constant. It may be sharp, excruciating or dull. It may also occur especially at night.
I don't know, maybe it's worth asking for an ultrasound or CT of your gallbladder? I know you mentioned that they did CT scans and X-rays, but if they weren't looking at the gallbladder, they might not have picked it up. I had an almost complete bowel obstruction that was not caught on a CT scan because they were only looking at the upper part of my bowel, not the very end!! Boy, that was fun.....
So what is the next step for you? Sorry you are going thru this.....I bet you never imagined that you would be dealing with this crap at the ripe old age of 36, huh? Me neither....
Jenny B