I didnt read through all the responses, so sorry if this is a repeat.
What matters most is what you cant do, not what your diagnosis is/are. Describe and document what you cant do, like dress self, cook food, walk x feet etc... be very specific.
other things to include on your app are pain issues, fatigue, and depresssion or other mental helath issues, It also helps if you see a therapist. I got it at age 29 which people told me wasnt going to happen.
I also suggest a lawyer. They dont get paid unles syou win. I think my lawyer got $2500.
I also think filling it out your self thoroughly YOURSELF helps. that way if you have cognitive issues it will show up. just my opinion. I think you have to write down who helps you fill it out if you get help. also I believe a lawyer can not helpyou fillit out.
took me 5 months start to finish to get ssdi, and I was denied once in that time.
after 2 years you get medicare. not sure why they make you wait so darn long. I get mine in november.
but thank goodness I did apply. now I can worry more about getting helathy. still struggle for rx costs but what can you do?- good luck