Hi friends, I have now been given my "new" job descript
ion. I will be on full light duty. I will do all the phone calls for the clinic-for 4 pediatricians!!! I will be on desk duty. She said for 6 weeks. I spoke with the nurse at the doctors office. She will now "rewrite" my release. And she made me a follow-up appt. for Oct.1. I guess then, I can return to my old job. I was told second hand that I'll be light duty until I can "walk normal". I may not ever "walk normal".
All this is VERY upsetting to me. I can't help it. I guess the important thing is that I'll be back at work and at the same pay. I'll do what is expected of me. And I'll do my best. I always do. One other thing is upsetting me. The supervisor told me that I was stuggling to keep up before I had my surgery. I didn't know this!!! I did what was expected of me. I did my job. And I never once said I can't do it. I was there every day and worked my ... off. I worked until the day before I had surgery!!!!
I need to pull myself together. This is the way it is. I can't change it. This is what is expected of me now. I will be a triage nurse and doing referrals, calling rx. in,etc... I will have to get over being upset. It isn't going to change anything. I'll have to bite my tongue and do all this with a "happy heart". I am just glad to be going back to work, period.
Hugs to all,