Hi guys!
I have 2 new medications that I wanted to see if anyone here has had personal experience using them. I was given these for an emergency situation and I basically have them to replace any type of ER visits, since I do NOT want to be going into any more hospitals and I will soon be signing a DNR as well....Long story on my health situation..but its not good, but its OK :) ANYWAY- so these 2 new meds...
1. Actiq Buccal Lollipop 200 mcg and I have 30 quantity.
2. Roxicodone Oral Concentrate 20 mg and I have 120 quantity
I'm trying to see how strong/ not strong these pain meds, how long they last... what they compare too...
i'm really sensitive to all pain meds. Currently, I'm on oxycodone 5mgs as needed every couple hours. Thats my regular pain med, but these 2 new ones are to aviod the ER when I get my epigastric pain that I feel like I'm dying.. It's happened 2 times this month, I have pneumotosis and basically not a candidate for surgery so I have to only manage pain.. ( I have several chronic GI diseases that cannot be treated )
Anyway- thank you to anyone that can share!! Sorry for the long post!