Hi Guys,
I saw the 2nd hand surgeon, first to confirm what the one in NJ told me and secondly to see if I liked him more/better, and 3rdly to see if he had other options to offer me.
First, we took the train to the city ( NYC) and it was snowing, blowing all over........ah well. It was a nice train ride anyway. Then we had to hit the subways to get to the other end of Manhattan since this doctors office was way down by South Street Seaport......I had no idea it was that far away from GCT.
Anyway, thankfully , I had told my husband that we should take an earlier train from where we live to the city in case we had any trouble figuring out the subway and where we needed to be. Good thing I did, because we needed that extra hour and a half to get to the office.
Anyway, he took more xrays, and the bone has fractured yet again. That's twice now in the last 6 weeks. So far, I am not impressed with the rate of fractures happening. I was under the impression that this AVN stuff was slow progressing, but not apparently in my case.
I didn't care for his communication at all. He seemed to be under the impression that because I had seen the local hand surgeon who couldn't handle this at all, that he didn't need to explain the problem or the surgery types that are my options. In fact, he spoke very little about avn at all. He did say however that he usually does a fusion, not removing the row of bones closest to the top of the wrist joint, only because he hasn't done too many of them.
He added a new stage that I have not seen in any documentation of avn - a stage 3C, which I am guessing is actually supposed to be stage 4, where there are no other options left. He said that it wouldn't get any worse, now I am not sure if that is supposed to mean that the bones in my wrist/hand are damaged as much as they can be with this problem, or what he meant, because he never bothered to explain.. However, he was pushing me to go for a fusion surgery . He didn't discuss at all my options of doing nothing and what would happen if that was the route that I chose to go. I really wasn't impressed at all compared to the first guy we saw.. He seemed to be rather bored or rushed or disinterested.
The most time that he spent talking to us was to tell me that when I decided to schedule surgery , to let him know a few days ahead of time when I wanted to do it so that he could special order the plate that he would have to put in my wrist.......
Needless to say, he will not be the surgeon doing this operation on my wrist......that's for sure. I truly dislike doctors like him.......and there is a reason. There is a distinct lack of interest in communication / no doctor patient relationship.