i just found this forum and thought i might be able to get some help with an issue i have been having. First, a little background on me, I was run over by a truck about
5 years ago. This caused major damage to my right leg such as broken femur, blown knee ligaments, shin and muscle sheered off the front of my shin, displaced kneecap. Resulting in a titanium rod down the center of the femur, a couple of knee surgeries, skin graft on the lower leg. During the healing process, part of my thigh muscle also turned to bone due to over calcification, which kind of feels like an antler grew off of the femur all the way to the surface of the inner thigh. I also have almost no cartilege left in my knee and a lot of nerve damage in the lower leg.
Over the last two years, i have been on a multitude of medications to help with the pain. Unfortunately, I have not had much relief at all. the duragesic patches were a no-go because i never could get them to stay on my skin. Other medications taken have been Oxycodone, Oxycontin, Opana, Percocet, and Methadone. I am sure there are one or two others that i have been prescribed that aren't coming to mind at the moment.
Immediately after the accident, I was on Oxycodone and percocet for about 5 months or so. At that time the meds worked just fine with no complaints. Then for three years, I dealt with the pain hoping it would go away. When i couldn't take it anymore, I went to a pain management doctor and we started the list of meds above. The first we tried was the Duragesic - didn't work due to the patches not adhering very well. Then we tried the Oxy and percocet because that had worked before. However, this time they didn't. Basically each medicine I have been on has worked great for the first dose, ok for the second dose, then almost no effect at all felt after that. At first, i was still smoking and thought that that might be causing the meds not to have effect so I quit. I figured once the nicotine was out of my system the meds would start working but that has not been the case. I have change meds two times since then with the same result - first dose great felt relief, second dose 50% relief, 3rd dose and on almost no felt relief.
does anyone have any idea what could be causing this and what could help the meds work? As of right now I am on methadone and opana and it feels the same as if i were to take a tylenol. My family has suggested that maybe my tolerance has just gotten that high and i would agree with that if the meds had worked for weeks or months and then stopped but with the effects of the meds only lasting one or two doses I think it is something else.
Any ideas? Your help is greatly appreciated. Sorry for blabbering on, but I am at my wits end with this.