Wow, what can I say?
I know that this whole site is a 'god send' but you guys really are sweet. You helped by just replying and reading your posts actually but a smile on my face today, so thank you for that.
I've woken today feeling much better, not so disappointed and like a 'lion with a thawn in it's foot' which I'm sure my husband is glad about . He's so supportive and really sorry that I'm in this pain and situation. He keeps saying he's sorry and I've told him to stop, it's not he's fault and he can't do anything other than support me, love and help me when needed, all of which he does on a daily basis.
I'm going tomorrow to talk to the specialist about a plan of action I think, maybe the pain clinic etc also I will look myself for a support group as suggested by you all.
I will let you know how things went once I've been.
Thank you once again for all your thoughts, prayers and hugs. I accepted them all.