Hello Chutz,
You post sounded so much like me a few months ago that I felt compelled to write to you.
I have fibro...have for many long years....and deal with it like everyone else. Ultracet is the best for fibro pain bar none for me (and I know it is a very weak med), but the properties of the med have some strange effect on the fibro.
What was so important that you mentioned was the memory. I thouhgt my memory problem was 100% fibro, but it wasn't.
If you have time, look up adult human growth hormone deficiency and see if the symptoms look familiar. I know they did for me, but I had never even heard of it until I went to the DR and he caught it. It's an easy test and my memory has improved amazingly over the last 3 or 4 months. I can honestly say that I will take the shots forever (despite some side effects) because my mind is back! My IQ had gone from a 130's to 94 (NO JOKE) and that was done by social security. I swear I wasn't even trying to make it lower.
Please check this out. I really hate to see you suffering so!
Fibro is painful, exhausting, depressing, and least of all unpredictable. I can send you a virtual hug (which I never do), but physical ones arfe often too painful to give or receive. I know you understand.
I hope things get better soon.