Dear Cata,
Good evening *hugg* I am glad to hear from you. Though I am so sorry you are having a hard time deciding what path to take. After reading your post the first thing that came to mind is that you should do what you feel is best. Often times out inital instinct is right on target. But, I can understand "not wanting to get hopes up". I struggle with that very aspect of my health care quite often.
Then there is the logical side of me, that is looking at it from the outside in.... And I think you are right to "not get your hopes up"... But, I do wonder. What if you wait until the neuro gets all your previous tests. Decided which ones are out dated, and only re test those that are old, only get the extra tests that you have never recieved before? You can pace yourself as far as testing. Like say one or two tests a week so you dont get overwhelmed and can recover / get back to daily life very easily. Does that make sense? In a way so that you don't turn your life upside down by trying to get all the tests and trials done as fast as you can. So, that way you can say to yourself that ~~>
1. You gave it a good chance.
2. You have the most updated testing for someone to possibly put the peices together in the future.
3. No regrets in your heart. You did what you could.
..just my thought on it thou. No matter what you decided I know you will think it through and will make the decision you felt was best. We are here to fully support you in ANY decision you make.
Hopefully you can find a few moments to yourself. Stay strong. You are in our hearts.