Dear Trouble,
It is good to hear from you. Thank you so much for stopping by to give us an update. I must admit I had often wonder what is going on with out veteran members. I am glad you had some time to stop by.
I am terribly sad to hear about your pain levels. It sounds as if you are in a vicious cycle. Between the pain, exhaustion and emotional turmoil.. I can well imagine you are fed up with it all. Who wouldn't be?!
The vico(s) are almost alike. I wonder if increasing the dose or perhaps adding in a light muscle relaxer might help? Is you doctor resistant to med increases in general or just steering clear of acetaminophen? I hope he can do something to help alleviate your pain. With fall coming the pain and cold temperatures will surly be a recipe for disaster.
I must admit when I read about your husbands reaction to your daily struggle I was very disappointed in him. Has been acting out about emotional stress in this way the whole time? Or is it something that keeps building? Either way, something needs to be done. The LAST thing you need is THAT in your life. You are far too tired, too old and too exhausted for such charades He has got to get into therapy, if nothing else, then go in with him if you can initially, perhaps a marriage counselor. What ever it takes to get the reactions assessed so he can get referral and treatment plan in place. You cannot keep having that kind of behavior in your life. You have so many more important problems on your plate. Adult tantrums take time and energy you just do not have to give right now.
I am sorry that surgery is becoming harder and harder to put off. Is there anything you can begin to do now to work towards that eventuality? Save a little, train a temp worker? Learn about the preparation and recovery process so you can plan? Preferable get your husband involved in the preparation so that he can fully absorb what is coming.
I have to get going, but I wanted you to know that you are in our prayers here. Stay strong and hang in there!