Hi fam, the .25 patch I don't think will be enough, but its only been almost 48 hrs. I feel like I can really feel it wearing off??? I think the steriod is helping, I felt pretty good briefly last night, and first thing this morning. But right now at 4:15 PM, I'm in some pain...lol I won't make it bold, won't make it big because I know that EVERYONE here knows where I'm coming from with pain...So when I get home after work around 5:30ish, it will be time for me to change my first patch. My doctor did say to tell him if it's not doing the job, I will give it the weekend and let him know.
Linda- I'm waiting on a call back for PT, no water PT around here makes me sad, I guess I will just have to have the regular PT, can't afford to go to a place that doesn't take my insurance. But yes, my new doctor means the world to me
Treating me so kind, taking the time...just a wonderful experience..compared to the first Pain Mgm guy I went to see.
Stray- It really is guy shy when dealing with a new doctor, your almost afraid to say too much, trying to figure out if the doctor is listening, taking you for real, or thinking your just being dramatic. He is a breath of fresh air and I like him. So far so good, he gets the thumbs up from me!!
WB-Thanks so much for keeping everything crossed for me!!!
My new doctor is a pain mgmt doctor so for my insurance, he is a specialist, he only deals with Pain Mgmt...and he understands that Fibro is not in my head!! Whooooo I have to put that little guy in here whenever I think about how he said he gets it. Going to start PT, have not started yet.
My new PM wants to get me comfortable, then he wants to try some different things so try to wean me from so much pain meds, which would be fine for me. Right now he gave me the script for the patches (5) until I see him again next week. He said I would prolly need a higher dosage, but would start with the .25. He gave me the perc's- the tylenol for the break-thru pain. He doesn't like using a lot of tylenol infact he doesn't like tylenol at all for how he treats his chronic pain patients. So yes both oxycodone for break-thru which is pretty much around the clock right now with this pain and he understood that it prolly would be, along with the patch.
We are VIP's!! I like that. I do really think he might be the one.
Radles-Hi there!! Welcome!!! LOL, yeah...if possible, you really do have to keep some type of humor, or else..I'd be crying all the time. I do try to tell myself often that as bad as I feel, there are people so much worse. So I try to hang in there.
But I really did want to give my former rhuemy a wack because yeah, every once in a while I understand the need to check the tender points, but for a while she was seeing me every 3 weeks or so, and she knew where the pain was, no need to keep making those area's sore over and over again. I really never felt like she had a true concern or understanding of my fibro, I prolly should of left there a long time ago, but I just didn't know if I should or not I kept thinking that she was ok, and maybe this was the best I could get and just deal with it. I'm so glad my post made you smile!!! If I can do that, then it was worth me writing it!!! No fun at all waiting for a doctor that just wants to rush you in and rush you out. This day and age, you would think they would learn.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!