Oh my gosh, I don't know what to say, but I am in tears. You have all touched my heart in a very special way. Your prayers and thoughts mean so much to me. They will carry me through this tough time until I can cope even just a little bit better.
Pebbs-your super gentle hugs and tons of prayers will go a long way with me. I can feel you hugging me. I miss our chatting.
Catz-I love our chats on yahoo. I am so glad we have finally connected. So sorry hon that you are suffering badly too from migraines. We should get together for our crying sessions eh!! And thank you for all the lovely comments. Sure means a lot!
Chart-you are a sweetheart and we sure love you here. Thank you for your healing hugz and prayers hon.
Mindy-hugs and prayers are a lot to offer hon. Thank you so so much. I will hang in there!! Just need to get back on track.
Pam-ah how great minds think alike eh Pam. I would love emails anytime. I wish you were feeling a bit better yourself. Thanks for the continued prayers. Sure mean a lot to me!!
Rod-your extra prayers sure mean the world to me. I am one who prays a lot. It just helps me get thru the day. So having everyone pray for me means so much. I too pray for all members here. It's just another way of supporting one another.
The members here are just so caring.
Karen-oh my gosh karen. You are the one that needs prayers. Come to Canada and there won't be a question asked about your surgery. Your case would get done in an instant. That is just not right in the states where one needs surgery to save their life and it can't get done due to insurance, etc. I am so sorry for your suffering and stressful days. I will pray for you hon!!
Radles-sorry to hear of your headaches and terrible jaw pain. Just not fun eh!! Sounds like you don't get much relief either my friend. I too do not get relief. But we will take it one day at a time Radles. We'll make the best of the day at hand. It's all we can do. Do you best!! Hugs Radles!!
Flower-thanks for your prayers my friend. Sure means a lot.
Mikel-oh my sweet Mikel. Sure am missing our chats but I understand that your days are full. It's not fair for anyone to suffer so much. Thank you for your words of encouragement. I will remember them during these tough days. Thank you for your love
How lucky can I be to have so many wonderful friends that care so much for me, that pray for me and love me, all of it unconditional. WOW!!! I hope you all know what you mean to me. Thank you seems to be such a small word to express how I feel right now!!
Love and hugs