I read your post and I sympathize with you, I also reside in Illinois, and I do understand how you feel, but I think some of your feeling might be from lack of understanding, I know mine was. Every time I go to my Pain Doctor the first thing you do upon checking in, is grab the small brown paper bag with the cup in it, and head for the restroom. When I first started going there, and read and signed there agreement forms, I was rather insulted, I felt that they were treating me like a drug addict, having to pee in a bottle every time I come in for my monthly refill, and then when I give them the bag with the urine sample, I have to tell them my weight, and when I took my last scheduled pain med, and my last pain med for break through, and any other meds, that I might have taken. and when. Then I have to initial the form in several places and sign at the bottom of the paper, and then go back to the waiting room and wait to see the doctor. I found that there is a reason for all this, not just to check to see if you are abusing your medications, but also to see if you are even taking them! Which I had never even thought about! Shortly after I started going there, there was an older gentleman that was just livid and raising a big fuss, I mean he was just raising cane, and making a scene in front of everyone in the waiting room, none of the nurses, or staff could calm him down. It was because the doctor would not renew his prescription for his pain meds. Finally the Doctor had to come out, and he was really getting loud, and started bad mouthing the doctor, and he would not go back into the exam room and talk to the doctor in private. So the doctor finally said to him. that he did not need the pain medication any more, that in the last two months, his urine showed that he had not been taking the medication and there was not a trace of the med in his system, and if he wasn't taking the medication, what was he doing with it? and why did he need it? As soon as he said that, the patient immediately shut up, and left the office in a big hurry! These Doctors are putting their professional lively hood on the line when they prescribe these medications, and especially now,since they are constantly being checked. Your Doctor doesn't know what you are doing with your prescriptions! He doesn't know if your taking them or what??? Sure they want to trust their patients, you and I both know, that not everyone is trust worthy! Just like that patient I described to you. I am not making excuses for your doctor, but I do think, that allot of us that are being treated for chronic pain, need to take a more objective look, and realize that what we might think and believe, might not be, what it actually is! You also assumed that he was calling your pharmacy for a reason that may, or may not, be true. You have heard what the word "assume " means? when you assume you make an " a**" of "u" and "me" . To keep from having those feelings m that you had, (that might or might not have been justified,) maybe you should have asked him why he wanted your to know what pharmacy you used? Please know I am not taking sides, and I do understand how you feel, but only you can make that person ( doctor) make you feel the way you do! Just make sure that the reason you feel that way is valid! I personally learned a very important lesson that morning in my Pain Doctors waiting room! Things are not always the way they seem, and I had "" assumed" something that was not a valid ""assumption""! . And since that time I have found that I really do have the best Doctor that I have ever had! He honestly cares about not only treating my pain, but also my entire health and well being as one of his patients! I feel very, very luckily and blessed to have such a Doctor! Maybe your Doctor is not like mine, but I just wanted to present you with possibly a different way of looking at your situation.
I do wish you well and good luck to you!
White Beard