Good Morning Tina!
*warm hugg* I just cant tell you how happy I am to hear from you. I have often wondered how you were doing and what has been happening. I don't like to pry and bother folks when I know they have a lot going on. So, it is so good to hear from you.
My heart sank a bit as you were talking about your fight with PPD. I had a spurt of PPD myself shortly after my oldest daughter was born. It was a tremendous struggle because I was breastfeeding at the time. I ended up only breastfeeding my oldest for 9mos. I needed help. I will always feel guilty for stopping breastfeeding early. On the other hand, I was grateful for the relief. I cannot remember the name of the anti depressant, but it was low dose and the doctors had told me I could continue feeding her. In my heart, I thought it was too risky. I was able to taper down and come off the PPD meds by the time she turned 1yr old. Still... to this day I shudder at the thoughts of what I had experienced. I took meticulous care of her every need. I was frightened to take her anywhere. I couldn't stand for anyone to touch her for fear someone might drop her or get her sick. I kept us both in extremely clean conditions. I was just over come with fear to my very core! Oh! My heart goes out to you. Goodness, I am so sorry you had to over come PPD. *hugg* and worse those meds they put you on sound terrible.
I hope you are able to get enough rest, I can imagine you have your hands full! Take care and know you are in our hearts.