You ever have one of those nights where you twist and turn in your sleep only to wake up and not be able to get out of bed or if you can, you feel like someone ran you over with a steam roller?? This morning was excruciating! My Sacroiilitis is acting up majorly and so is my scoliosis to a lesser extent. I was fine when I went to bed, but being the restless sleeper that I am; I must've been doing gymnastics.
So I have the whole SI and scoliosis thing going on, so then what happens? I pinch a nerve in my neck and shoulder. So after much manipulation from the physical therapist, it is a little better. Oh and did I mention it feels like someone is stabbing me in the stomach?? Yep, ever since a horrible mistake on my part (eating a spicy dip that contained Cheyenne Peppers - in which I am allergic - I didn't know it had Cheyenne in it) my gastritis and acid reflux has been screaming at me. I'll admit, to much lesser degree then on Monday but I am still not feeling that great. Then of course we can't forget the elephant wearing cleats that is sitting on my left side because of my Ulcerative Colitis.
Sorry, just had to vent. It has NOT been a good day!