I went to my PM doctor the other day, and I have been going to him for the past year and a half or so. Sometimes, I dont see him, I see his P.a., and they had me try some different medications that were not workng, and so she put me back on Oxy 3 times a day, which I have ALWAYS been on, and Perc. for my breakthrough, I have been on this since I have been seeing this PM. I go in to see him, to get my refills for the next 3 months, and we have a great visit, like we always do, and I go to get my refills, and I ask, where is my Percocet refill? His nurse says, there isnt one....I replied, I usually get it, can we ask him? She goes and gets him. He comes around the corner, and says, You cant have that!!! Who prescribed YOU Percocet for BT!??? I replied, YOU!!! I have always been on it. He then tells me, I am not comfortable with you being on all this medication and if thats the case, you definitely need to start thinking about
a pain pump. (we have been in discussion for quite some time about
one) I had to CHOOSE which meds I would keep. So, I chose to keep 2 oxy's a day, and my bt meds, wth?!!!! I am so irritated!! Does he not even know what he prescribes me, or look at my chart!!!! I have ALWAYS been on those meds, and it makes me wonder with these doctors.....just when you think you have this wonderful relationship with them, which I do, so I think,then he pulls this ...stuff! He is the only PM I have been to, but, my comfort level on him not knowing what meds I have been on, is a bit worrisome to me.
Just thought it was strange, and I thought I would post!