Dear Monica,
Good morning *hugg* I hope you are doing a bit better today. You ve been though a lot lately. I hope you are remembering to take it easy when you can.
You know it is pretty common that various "complimentary" doctors do not understand Chronic Pain. Chiropractors, Physical Therapists, Psychologists.... the same "myths" about chronic pain patients and their medications apply not just to society but also to various other "doctors". It is hard, to have to fight against society. It seems unfair we have to fight against various medical personnel too. My only suggestion would be to explain why you are on the medications. If they still do not understand, then you know you at least tried.
I have long since believed that mental health professionals that specialize in chronic and terminal illness are the best for us. They have extensive knowledge with regards to all aspects of chronic pain. They are a valuable resource to the chronic pain community. If there is anyway that you can see one, it would be worth it. Also, please do not be hard on yourself. Chronic pain is hard for even the strongest of people. It is okay for us to be down and to feel angry at times. The difference is that you are being proactive about it and doing the best you can to fight it. Please, take it easy. Rest when you are able.
Know you are in our hearts here!