Hi Joy, and welcome to the family!
So many people have offered wonderful words of wisdom and great suggestions. I'm merely glad you found this place as sometimes the one thing a doctor can't give you is the emotional support those of us with chronic pain so desperately need; someone to talk to, who understands what we're dealing with.
From some of the people I know with Fibro they all agree that Lyrica is one of the best meds out there. It takes awhile to build up in your system, but is definately worth it. Celebrex is another one. If you can rely more on the tramadol then the hydrocodone, you're better off. Believe me, I've been on narcotics for over three years, generally four times a day. One of the things I found was that every year or two my pain management doc had to switch what I was taking. At first he'd start by increasing the doseage; like he upped my percoset from 10mg, to 15mg, but tried to get me to cut back to only 3 pills a day instead of 4. This worked for a very short time before I found myself back to needing 4 a day as my bad days started to out-number my good ones. Before that he had me on loritab, and about every six months as my pain increased (and my tolerance to the meds) we'd have to up the doseage. Before loritab, there was vicoden. So you can see what happens. Another thing you can discuss as a possible option is extended release meds.
You mentioned that you had tried to apply for Medicaid; was that before your husband lost his job? If so, go and try to reapply again, or at the very least have your file updated to reflect your current income status. I'm not sure if it'll work, but it's worth a try. I found when I was getting unemployment the state considered it to be "to much income" to qualify for Medicaid, but as soon as my unemployment ran out, they had no problem approving me for it. The bad thing was as soon as my SSD was approved they cut off my Medicaid, was I was back to "to much income", however because of the way SSD works I didn't get my Medicare for another 10 months.
I understand the fears of doctor hopping, or shopping around, and certainly with something like Fibro a pain management doctor will be your best bet for getting your pain under control and on a good progam medication-wise. Just remember some meds do take time to build up a continual level and work effectively.
I wish you the best of luck, and make sure you keep us all up to date on how things are going, or even post just to vent, get things off your chest, and remember that you're not alone, that eventually this rough time will pass and things will get better. *hugs*