The treatment for this can be really rough, but you are young and strong, and have the right attitude, and you have all of us here that are supporting you! Keep your faith and you will get through this! One day at a time! Yes there is a chance that you will lose your hair, and when it comes back, it may, or may not, be different, but really in the over all picture of it all,, this really is, a very minor thing, so do not let this get you off focus on your end goal, and that is beating this thing! Wear a hat or something, or a wig, or better yet, just don't wear anything on your head, and be proud! Proud, to show that you are a fighter and you are fighting a battle, that few have ever had to fight, and you are strong and you will win and be victorious! Always remember that!
Good Luck to you! and Happy Birthday
White Beard