Hi Kat, thought I would chime in here and have a say concerning dogs, for that matter animals in general.
I am not a pet person, about 2 1/2 years ago my daughter (whom I live with) bought a dog, she is a Yorkshire Terrier. When we first got her she was 8 weeks old and could fit in the palm of my hand. It was the craziest thing, she was flown into BWI (Baltimore airport) from Kansas, from a women who bred these dogs.
Of course by now I could not imagine life without her, her name is Roxie and she is a little ankle biter, not really but she does yap alot. We live in an apartment, and every morning like clockwork, the woman comes in the hallway and cleans, vaccums, etc. And every morning like clockwork Roxie barks her tiny little head off. My daughter works, so we are home together all day, every day. I can honestly say I love her very much, she really is a part of our family. Believe me when you are home much of the time due to my disabilities, she is great to talk to, and a wonderful listener.
So Kat, enjoy your little dog, I hope your dog is as much a comfort to you as my roxie is for me.
Hope you are low pain day and many more to come.