Tina, right now I am so jealous of you, but being a hometown girl (ok girl is a bit of a tall tale, but its mine), I was born in Walter Reed Army Hospital, which is in Washington D.C., I am an army brat, when I was small we lived in France for about
4 years, I dont remember much, I was 2 when we got there and almost 6 when we came stateside again.
My father continued to travel where the army sent him, but my mom settled in the suburbs of Maryland, I have lived through many D.C. summers and they are not fun, but I would not live anywhere else. This part of Md. is a melting pot of so many people, with bi-racial children and grandchildren, its been not so much of a fight against the lack of tolerance for people who are by some standards different.
So although the summers are more and more difficult as the years go by, I have just learned when to go outside and when to stay in. I do this all the time, start out with one subject and go into another, so I will stay with the weather and hope you are doing well, I have always wanted to travel, and I still intend to it happens that San Francisco was one of those places I intend to get to one of these days. I have not been on a plane in 20 years, I know for a fact I will have to take at least 2 20mg valium to get on a plane, so I wont be traveling anytime soon.
I think Ive done it again, ok I am going, take care Tina, and I hope you are feeling well, so sorry to go off track.
Its a curse,lol, take care