Partial script
fills, in particular as they relate to Class II controlled substances (most narcotics) was brought up in another topic, but it is an issue that is important enough to have it's own.
Here is what the DEA has to say about
partial fills, or as they term it "Partial Dispensing" of a Class II substance:
A prescript
ion for a schedule II controlled substance may be partially dispensed if the pharmacist is unable to supply the full quantity of a written or emergency oral (telephone) prescript
ion, provided the pharmacist notes the quantity supplied on the front of the written prescript
ion, on a written record of the emergency oral prescript
ion, or in the electronic prescript
ion record. The remaining portion may be dispensed within 72 hours of the first partial dispensing. However, if the remaining portion is not or cannot be filled within the 72 hour period, the pharmacist must notify the prescribing practitioner. No further quantity may be supplied beyond 72 hours without a new prescript
Link It is about
1/2 way down the page. There is a lot of interesting stuff on this page too about
what form prescript
ions must be in, how they must be handled, etc.
To sum it up the "important" parts.
A RX for a Class II drug is only good for 72 hours once any part of it is filled.
After 72 hours the pharmacist is not allowed to fill the script
If not completely filled within 72 hours the pharmacist is to notify the doctor who wrote the script
One thing to note here is that filling the remainder of a partial script
in 72 hours does not mean the pharmacist must deliver the remainder of the script
into the patients hands within 72 hours, only that they must have the remaining meds filled and ready for pickup within that 72 hour window.
This is something I think everyone who takes narcotics needs to be aware of and something that we all should discuss with our doctor(s) as soon as possible. A good conversation starter would be something like: "I am wondering what happens if the pharmacy I use is unable to completely fill my script
and they are unable or unwilling to fill the remainder in 3 days after doing a partial fill as per federal law?"