Hey Spicey, its been more than 11 years, but I will try. First of all, I received a lump sum for myself with to me at least was substantial, from the time I first applied which was approx. 1 year and maybe a month or so until I received the award, I received 20,000. for my daughter I received a lump sum of 11,000. I know right, I have never had that much money at one time, please remember to put some where you cant get to it easily, I believe a CD or something like, it was for me and my girls Christmas every day, I should have saved more. But, I didnt and its gone and been gone for along time now, so please take a little advice, while we were in great need of it and spent much more than we should have, we had been without for so long, it was difficult. I had to tell my girls so many times before that, "no, we cant afford that", I wanted to give them everything they asked for.
So after the initial award, I received and additional 500.+ each month aside from my own monthly amount. As soon as she turned 18, I advised the SS people, if you do not, one, they will know, and two you could be penalized if you accidently receive payments for your child after they have turned 18. Please also ask your lawyer about special circumstances your child my have, and there was something about additional schooling, should your child after reaching 18 and graduating from high school, there was something about if the child went to college, I dont know much about, as both my girls worked even before they were out of high school, and neither continued there education until about 3 years ago, my youngest went back to college, but thats neither here nor there as it was not going to make any differenct now.
Again, please ask your lawyer about your concerns, they should have advised you of all you could receive since you have already been awarded.
Good luck, pay attention to what your lawyer is doing, and save, save, save.
Take care,