I am sorry that you too have to go through this. I have letters written and one will be sent certified to my former PM specialist as a request for my records under HIPAA, as the others will be sent to my specialist for copies of my medical records from the record department as a back up to my health issues that could cause me to no have enough of my medicine to show up in a test.
Oh, I am going to suffer for awhile as appts are a month away and she didn't give me but 30 pills to taper off. I thought you would have had to get a referral to get another PM doctor.
hugs and hope yur days are much better. Would n't wish anything like this on anybody. i feel robbed and violated of a 64 year old woman who has never done anything illegal. Wow, I am sick right now to my stomach, but I pray I get through this. I am fighting for my rights and dignity. You do the same if you feel well enough to do it, nevertheless, you deserve kindness and respect too.